Redmond Linden tree Pros and Cons, Facts, Problems & Diseases

The Redmond Linden tree, botanically referred to as Tilia americana 'Redmond', is a magnificent addition to any environment. Garden enthusiasts and homeowners both adore it for its charming appearance and outstanding characteristics.

The Redmond Linden is a tall tree that can reach a height of 60 feet. It features heart-shaped leaves that emerge in vivid green and mature to a deep, glossy green. It is an inviting retreat due to its dense foliage offers ample shade in sweltering summer days.


Beautiful Flora and Aroma

The Redmond Linden tree has heart-shaped leaves that, in the fall, change color from lush green to brilliant gold. The tree not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your environment but also gives out an enticing aroma, making it a welcome addition to any garden.

Redmond Linden tree Pros and Cons, Facts, Problems & Diseases

Adaptable to Urban Conditions

These trees are resistant to the ill effects of urban living, such as pollution and compacted soil. This makes them a great option for urban residents who desire a little bit of nature while still living in busy areas.

Strong root system

Redmond Linden trees have a powerful root system that develops deep into the soil and spreads widely around the tree's base.

Provider of shade

These trees make good shade producers due to their loose canopy, which creates dappled shadows on the ground below.

Attractive appearance

Redmond Linden trees contribute elegance to the landscape with their symmetrical triangular shape as young trees and their strong pyramidal form as mature trees.

Heart-shaped foliage

Redmond Linden trees have attractive, dark green, heart-shaped leaves that change to a golden-yellow color in the fall.


Slow Growth

Redmond Linden trees grow more slowly than some other tree species, thus patience is needed when planting them. But the benefits are worth the wait.

Messy Droppings

The tendency of Redmond Linden trees to lose blossoms, leaves, and twigs, which can make a nuisance in your yard and require constant cleanup, is one of their disadvantages.

Potential Allergies

Although many people enjoy the scent of the tree, it might cause allergies in some people. Due diligence is recommended if you or any members of your household are susceptible to pollen allergies.

Size-Related Issues

Redmond Linden trees can attain considerable size over time. While this may be advantageous for shade, it is essential to plant them in a location where they will not interfere with power lines or impinge on neighboring properties.


When fully grown, Redmond Linden will reach a height of around 60 feet and a width of 30 feet. It should not be planted next to power lines due to its high canopy, which often extends 6 feet above the ground. The lower branches of this tree can be selectively cut back as it grows to build a canopy that is high enough to accommodate unhindered human traffic. It has a medium rate of growth and can be expected to live for 70 years or more in a perfect environment.

It is highly adaptable to both dry and wet environments and should thrive in the average residential landscape. It is not picky about pH or soil type. It can tolerate some degree of urban emissions. 

Problems & Diseases


This fungus infection results in dark patches on the leaves, which later become yellow and drop off.

Leaf spot

Various fungi, including the anthracnose fungus and the leaf spot fungus Cercospora microsera, can induce leaf spot diseases in linden trees. Brown spots on the leaves caused by such diseases can induce loss of foliage and weaken the tree by causing brown spots on the leaves.

Powdery mildew

This fungus infection results in a white powdery coating on the leaves, which can defoliate them and damage the tree.

Verticillium wilt

The withering, yellowing, and browning of the leaves brought on by this fungal disease that is soil-borne can cause the tree to die and lose all of its leaves.


The tree may become weak and eventually die as a result of these sunken spots on the bark.

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