Pros and Cons of Rotator Cuff Surgery

The rotator cuff is a collection of four muscles and tendons that help to support the shoulder joint. The tendons connect the muscles to the shoulder joint, whereas the muscles attach the shoulder blade to the upper arm bone. The rotator cuff aids in arm elevation and shoulder joint stability.

Additionally, it assists in stabilizing the arm when it is elevated above the head. A rotator cuff injury can be caused by overuse or a sudden impact. Athletes who play throwing sports, like baseball or football, often get hurt from overuse.

When the arm is forcibly pushed away from the body, such as during an automobile collision, sudden trauma injuries can develop. An injury to the rotator cuff is usually treated with rest, ice, and physical therapy. In severe circumstances, surgery may be required.

Rotator cuff surgery is a way to fix damage to the rotator cuff, which is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint. The rotator cuff aids in arm elevation and shoulder stability. When other therapies, such as physical therapy, have failed to alleviate pain and improve function, surgery is typically performed.

Pros and Cons of Rotator Cuff Surgery

During the surgical procedure, the injured tissue is removed, and either the tendon or its attachments are repaired or replaced. The reduction of pain and the restoration of function are the primary objectives of surgical treatment. The majority of individuals who undergo rotator cuff surgery report a significant reduction in shoulder pain and an improvement in shoulder function.

Recovery following shoulder surgery takes time, and you will likely require physical therapy to rebuild shoulder strength and range of motion. To achieve a satisfactory outcome, it is essential to adhere to your surgeon's recommendations and attend all scheduled follow-up appointments.

Pros and Cons of Rotator Cuff Surgery

Arthroscopic rotator cuff surgery is a less invasive technique to repair rotator cuff tears that involves using an arthroscope. Because arthroscopic surgery is less invasive and has a reduced risk of injuring surrounding tissue, the surgeon must be well-versed in the technique. The expense of the operation may be prohibitive for some individuals. Arthroscopic rotator cuff surgery has a lower risk of postoperative pain and stiffness in the shoulder than the open procedure.

The main benefit of rotator cuff surgery is that it can get rid of shoulder pain and shoulder weakness. If you have tried non-surgical treatments and they haven't worked, then surgery may be a better option.

For small tears, rotator cuff surgery has a success rate of more than 95%. The success rate for two tendon injuries is greater than 70 percent. Because untreated tears tend to grow, it's best to repair them as soon as possible.

When undergoing surgery requiring anesthesia, there is a small chance of stroke, heart attack, pneumonia, or blood clot. According to one study, 1 to 2% of people undergoing rotator cuff surgery suffer nerve injury.

Patients who have had rotator cuff surgery may experience persistent discomfort or soreness for months after the operation. It is typical to anticipate some residual pain or discomfort for many weeks following rotator cuff surgery.

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