Permanent Toenail Removal Pros and Cons

An ingrown toenail is a foot ailment that occurs when the edge of the toenail grows down into the epidermis and causes pain and discomfort. The big toe is the most common location for this condition. Tapering the corner of a toenail can lead to ingrown toenails, which can be painful. If the toenail curves in the same direction as the toe, it has a chance of growing into the skin. Ingrown toenails are quite common and rarely constitute a health concern to healthy individuals.

Ingrown toenail pain can make standing and walk difficult. However, ingrown toenail treatment is simple, and you can take measures to minimize recurrences.

Generally, an ingrown toenail can be diagnosed independently based on your symptoms and the appearance of the toe.

An ingrown toenail is usually diagnosed by your healthcare practitioner (either your regular doctor or a podiatrist). They will inspect the skin around the edge of the nail.

An ingrown toenail is usually diagnosed without the use of testing or X-rays. When a toe is seriously infected, your healthcare professional may take a sample culture to determine the infection. In the case of more serious infections, an X-ray may be required.

Permanent Toenail Removal Pros and Cons

For some people, an ingrown toenail is a one-time occurrence. It can occur as a result of an unintentional injury or as a result of someone attempting to run in too-tight running shoes. Ingrown toenail, on the other hand, is a continuous problem for many people.

The surgical removal of the nail can be done in four different ways.

  • Partial avulsion of the nail without matrixectomy
  • Matixectomy with partial nail avulsion
  • Avulsion of the entire nail without the need for matrixectomy
  • Avulsion of the whole nail with matrixectomy

Ingrown toenail surgery is frequently used to permanently prevent ingrown toenails (onychocryptosis). A partial nail avulsion with matrixectomy is the most usual technique. With local anesthesia, the toe is "frozen," the nail spicule is excised, and medication is injected into the nail matrix to prevent that portion of the nail from growing again.

A whole nail avulsion may be done to correct a toenail that is so deformed that it causes chronic pain in the toe. Due to the small size of the nail plate, a partial nail avulsion may not be achievable; consequently, a complete nail avulsion is required. A complete nail avulsion may also be necessary to eradicate the fungus from the nail. The nail is removed so that the fungal infection can be adequately treated with medication.

Permanent Toenail Removal Pros

Total nail avulsion (TNA) is the safe removal of the complete toenail. This operation is indicated in a variety of situations, including ingrown toenails where both sides ingrow often and the nail has a prominent curvature at the sides. Instead of cutting two larger sides of the problematic nail, a patient may choose to have the entire nail removed so that it can grow back as a regular, straight nail – or not grow back at all, depending on the treatment used.

Apart from ingrowing or involuting (nail with a high degree of curvature) nails, this technique is also used to treat deformed, thickened, infected, and damaged toenails that cause chronic pain or discomfort, particularly when wearing shoes and doing daily tasks.

Again, this treatment may be performed in conjunction with or without chemical matrixectomy. When a chemical matrixectomy is performed, the nail will not regrow and you will no longer experience the troubles caused by your toenail. Without the procedure, the nail will sprout from the base, which takes around 12 months.

Permanent Toenail Removal Cons

The following are some of the risks associated with removing an ingrown toenail:

Toenails may regrow malformed or distorted. It's possible that they won't regrow or won't reach their prior length in some circumstances.

Removing one ingrown toenail does not guarantee that a person will not acquire more ingrown toenails in the future. Another surgery, or perhaps numerous surgeries, may be required in some circumstances.

Following surgery, a person's body may get infected. Surgery leaves an open wound, which allows germs and other diseases to enter the body more easily. It's critical to visit a doctor if you notice any signs of infection after surgery because untreated infections can cause catastrophic toe damage or even amputation.

A person may have difficulty waking up after general anesthesia or have an unfavorable reaction to local anesthetic, such as an allergic reaction.

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