Fat transfer to lips pros and cons

Among the most widely used methods for lip augmentation is fat transfer. To give you more appealing and delectable lips, this sophisticated technology will enhance lip volume, roundness, size, softness, and appearance. Fat cells are first removed from a fat-rich portion of your body for the operation, such as your buttocks, belly, or thighs. The fat is absorbed into the lips after it is injected. The injected fat stimulates production in the lips over the next few weeks to boost their appearance. Then the fat settles in position, giving a more attractive shape and roundness to the lips.

In some ways, fat transfer varies from other methods for lip augmentation. The fat transfer appears to have more natural-looking effects compared to the method of using dermal fillers for lip augmentation. Furthermore, fat transfer outcomes are enduring. 2 or 3 initial therapies may be required to achieve the desired outcomes, but no further therapy is needed after that stage. Dermal fillers, on the other hand, only offer temporary improvement and must be touched up as much as every six months. While the fat transfer procedure might have increased swelling and bruising and may take longer to show the effects, for many lip augmentation applicants, its durable and healthy results make it a wise and preferable option.

Fat transfer to lips pros and cons

Lip augmentation with fat transfer raises the lip volume by carefully injecting fat obtained from a donor area from the patient's own body  (i.e. abdomen, thighs, or buttocks). The risk of rejection is small since the injections are made of the patient's own tissue, and the chances of good, permanent integration are very large. Another advantage of this approach is that it is extremely adjustable, allowing the doctor to choose the exact amount of fat to be injected in order to meet the cosmetic objectives of the patient.

Fat transfer to lips pros and cons:

Following are pros of Fat transfer to lips

  • Minimally invasive
  • It can be carried out under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis.
  • Minor (if any) pain is associated with
  • Needs a time of recovery of a few days,
  • Produces immediate outcomes.
  • Preferable option if you are looking for long term treatment without any serious complication.
  • Latest method to re-shape your lips.
  • Most widely adopted method among many cosmetic surgeons.
Following are cons of Fat transfer to lips
  • Though, procedure quite safe but there very small risk of bleeding and infection during procedure.
  • Feeling of numbness for short period of time due to injection of local anesthesia.
  • if you are allergic to local anesthesia then this is not good option for you.
  • Pain at injection site is common but it persists for only few minutes.
  • Cost of this procedure might be a concern if this is not covered in your insurance package.

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