Sublocade/buprenorphine Cost, Side effects, Dosage, Uses Opioid use disorder

Sublocade/buprenorphine Cost, Side effects, Dosage, Uses Opioid use disorder. The FDA granted the approval of Sublocade to Indivior Inc.

US FDA approved drug Sublocade that contains buprenorphine as a active pharmaceutical ingredient for the treatment of moderate to severe opioid use disorder (OUD) in adult patients. This is the first once monthly injectable buprenorphine product. Availability of this drug is restricted to those pharmacies or hospital who are certified in REMS Program.

Opioid use disorder (OUD) is a condition that is directly related to  opioid use that causes clinically significant impairment or distress. Symptoms of opioid use disorder are strong desire to use opioids, enhanced tolerance rate and withdrawal syndrome in case opioids are abruptly stopped to administer. These symptoms may become severe if patient is misusing or overdosing opioids for longer period of time.

Opioids are basically medicinal products that are derived from synthetic or semi-synthetic sources for the relieving intense pain like trauma pain, Injuries, post operative pain or cancer pain. Supply of these products are kept under restriction due to their possible misuses or overdosing. Nalaxone is another important therapeutic drug used in case of opiod overdosing.

Sublocade Injection contains buprenorphine. Buprenorphine is a partial agonist at the mu receptor and antagonist at the kappa opioid receptor.

Sublocadebuprenorphine Cost, Side effects, Dosage, Uses Opioid use disorder

Sublocade/buprenorphine Side effects

Following side effects can be expected during the course of administration of this drug.

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Pain at injection site
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Rashes on skin
  • Fluctuation in the level of liver enzymes
  • Pruritis
  • Sleep disturbance

Sublocade/buprenorphine Uses/Prescribing Information

US FDA approved Sublocade for the treatment of moderate to severe opioid use disorder in patients who have initiated treatment with a transmucosa buprenorphine containing product, followed by dose adjustment for a minimum of 7 days.

Sublocade/buprenorphine Dosage

Subcloade is injected in the abdominal area. Standard dosage frequency of Sublocade is 300 mg followed by 100 mg monthly maintenance doses. Maintenance doses might be increase depending upon the response rate and tolerance level of patient.

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