Clitoral Atrophy Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Surgery

Clitoral atrophy is a condition in which the clitoris decreases in size. Atrophy means change in shape or size and clitoris is the part of female sex organ. It is a most sensitive part with a no. Of nerve endings. It contains about 8000 sensory nerve endings. These nerve endings are twice in number than male sex organ i.e. penis. Clitoris is the only part of female sex organ which is designed for pleasure.

Usually when the level of testosterone hormone decreases in case of menopause and during usage of hormonal birth control, the sensitivity of clitoris decreases. Along with this, the size of clitoris and functioning of clitoris also got disturbed. This is known as clitoral atrophy. The tissues of clitoris are spongy erectile in nature which fills with the blood at the time of sexual arousal. Testosterone controls the blood flow in these tissues.

When the level of testosterone decreases the sensitivity of clitoris also decreases. It usually occur at late adulthood. Women taking birth control pills and women after menopause usually experience clitoral atrophy. The symptoms include simply reduction in the pleasure during sexual activity and there is also a specific treatment for this condition.

Clitoral Atrophy Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Surgery

Clitoral Atrophy Symptoms

It is a rare condition and associated with the low level of testosterone in women. The common symptoms associated with this condition are localized. Patient may feel dryness in the vagina. Postcoital bleeding may occur. Due to dryness patient may face vaginal itching and irritation. Along with these, soreness may occur and makes patient uncomfortable. Some other symptoms include vaginal discharge  and dysperiunia. There are also some urinary symptoms associated with it like urge incontinence, increased frequency and urgency. All these symptoms collectively confirms the presence of clitoral atrophy. Patient does not feel pleasure during sexual activity.

Clitoral Atrophy Causes

The clitoral atrophy is associated with the decreased level of testosterone. The testosterone is the hormone responsible for controlling the blood circulation in the nerve endings of clitoris. So when there is decreased level of testosterone in women, the symptoms start appearing. The level of testosterone may decrease in different conditions like in menopause, and in women taking birth control pills. The size of clitoris becomes small and the functionality of clitoris is also impaired. Along with this the sensitivity of clitoris also decreases. The reduction in level of testosterone is the only cause of clitoral atrophy.

Clitoral Atrophy Surgery

Clitoral hood is the covering of clitoris which protects it against external environment. The clitoral hood is reduced in size or the excess tissues are removed to make the clitoris visible. This will help a lot to treat decreased pleasure of clitoris during sexual activity. The surgery performed for that purpose is called hoodectomy or clitoral unhooding. This surgery reduces the excess tissues surrounding clitoris.  Patient may feel discomfort and pain after surgery and the recovery time may vary person to person. Proper care is required after surgery because the chances of complications are high in hoodectomy.

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