Bartsocas papas syndrome is an inherited autosomal recessive syndrome in which there is severe deformity of face and extremities of body occur. The main characteristic of this condition is webbing of lower extremities. Fetus with bartocas syndrome die within the womb of mother otherwise will die soon after death. It is a congenital disorder. It is inherited as an autosomal recessive manner and abnormal Gene from each parent is required for this condition to occur. The deformity of face and extremities can be described as
Head longer than the usual size in babies. Babies with bartsocas papas syndrome have no hair in head and eyebrows. The eyes are not equal and stand far from each other. Right sided eye is usually small in size like a black colored sloe is sticked half out on flat face.
Babies with bartsocas papas syndrome do not survive because of severity of deformity of body. When there is deformity in the appearance of fetus, there will also problems in the physiological systems of body like problems in vision, breathing, talking and hearing etc. This condition directly leads to death of fetus or baby so there is no treatment plan for this autosomal recessive disease.
The symptoms of bartsocas papas syndrome are visible. The deformity of face can be easily seen and the symptoms include severe popliteal webbing, a typical flat face with short palpebral fissures, ankyloblepharon, microcephaly (i.e. shorter size of head), presence of filiform bands between the facial clefts and jaws. The nose is hypoplastic nose in bartsocas papas syndrome. Other than this, there may be genital abnormalities, oligosyndactyly and some other ectodermal anomalies like no hair growth on head, eye brows and lashes. There may be impaired growth of nails too. Usually fetus die within the womb but in rare cases the baby die soon after delivery.
It is an autosomal recessive syndrome which is inherited from mother to the fetus. It is inherited via an abnormal Gene from both parents. It is a rare congenital disease and a fatal one too. It does not occur secondary to any disease. It occurs during the development of fetus within the womb of mother. The abnormal appearance makes it easy to diagnose. Although the fetus die within the womb and in rare cases the baby die right after birth. So if mother deliver a baby with bartsocas papas syndrome, he is gonna die soon.
It is a fatal condition. The chances of life are very low. The abnormal appearance of fetus causes problems in the physiological systems of body like difficulty in breathing, vision, hearing, and other systems of body. These problems leads to the death of fetus within the womb of mother. In rare cases, mother deliver her baby with bartsocas papas syndrome. But the survival chances are very low. Only one in every 50 cases of this condition the baby survive but with a very little deformity.
Head longer than the usual size in babies. Babies with bartsocas papas syndrome have no hair in head and eyebrows. The eyes are not equal and stand far from each other. Right sided eye is usually small in size like a black colored sloe is sticked half out on flat face.
Babies with bartsocas papas syndrome do not survive because of severity of deformity of body. When there is deformity in the appearance of fetus, there will also problems in the physiological systems of body like problems in vision, breathing, talking and hearing etc. This condition directly leads to death of fetus or baby so there is no treatment plan for this autosomal recessive disease.
Bartsocas-Papas Syndrome Images

Bartsocas Papas Syndrome Symptoms
The symptoms of bartsocas papas syndrome are visible. The deformity of face can be easily seen and the symptoms include severe popliteal webbing, a typical flat face with short palpebral fissures, ankyloblepharon, microcephaly (i.e. shorter size of head), presence of filiform bands between the facial clefts and jaws. The nose is hypoplastic nose in bartsocas papas syndrome. Other than this, there may be genital abnormalities, oligosyndactyly and some other ectodermal anomalies like no hair growth on head, eye brows and lashes. There may be impaired growth of nails too. Usually fetus die within the womb but in rare cases the baby die soon after delivery.
Bartsocas Papas Syndrome Causes
It is an autosomal recessive syndrome which is inherited from mother to the fetus. It is inherited via an abnormal Gene from both parents. It is a rare congenital disease and a fatal one too. It does not occur secondary to any disease. It occurs during the development of fetus within the womb of mother. The abnormal appearance makes it easy to diagnose. Although the fetus die within the womb and in rare cases the baby die right after birth. So if mother deliver a baby with bartsocas papas syndrome, he is gonna die soon.
Bartsocas Papas Syndrome Life Expectancy
It is a fatal condition. The chances of life are very low. The abnormal appearance of fetus causes problems in the physiological systems of body like difficulty in breathing, vision, hearing, and other systems of body. These problems leads to the death of fetus within the womb of mother. In rare cases, mother deliver her baby with bartsocas papas syndrome. But the survival chances are very low. Only one in every 50 cases of this condition the baby survive but with a very little deformity.
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