Ameloblastic Fibroma Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Ameoblastic fibroma is a type of tumor present in the oral cavity. It is an odotogenic tumor in which there is no production of enamel, cementum or dentin. In this condition, the immature masenchymal or epidermal cells of teeth are proliferate. Ameoblastic fibroma is neoplastic in nature but sometimes it may be hamartomatous in nature i.e. an odontoma. The most common site of occurrence is the posterior region of mandible. It also occurs on maxilla but extremely rare. Children are commonly prone to this odontogenic tumor.

The diagnosis of ameoblastic fibroma is very important. According to its location of occurrence, it is divided in to two main types i.e. maxillary ameoblastic fibroma and mandibular ameoblastic fibroma. It is benign in nature and does not spread to the whole mouth. When we say it is neoplastic in nature, then there is another term which is used to describe it better i.e. ameoblastic fibrosarcoma. Fibroma is another word which is used to describe the benign tumor but fibrosarcoma is used to describe its malignancy. It commonly occur in the first two decades of life. The most common cause reported behind ameoblastic fibroma is the presence of an unerupted teeth. Diagnosis of this tumor is really necessary to make it different from malignant one.

Ameloblastic Fibroma Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Ameoblastic Fibroma Symptoms

Ameoblastic fibroma has some specific symptoms which are limited in number. It commonly occur in children and in young adults usually between the age of 15 to 25 years. Swelling can be seen easily with a naked eye. The jaw expands and looks wider than usual. No pain is associated with it. Ameoblastic fibroma appear as a unilocular radiolucency. It most commonly occur on the mandible jaw line and rarely involves maxilla. These are basically the lesions which are benign in nature but may turn in to malignant ones.

Ameoblastic Fibroma Causes

There are not much causes reported behind the occurrence of ameoblastic fibroma. In almost more than 50 percent of cases, an unerupted tooth is reported as a major cause. Ameoblastic fibroma is basically a lesion which turns in to a tumor. The tumor is benign in nature I.e. odontogenic but it may turn in to malignant one later i.e. neoplastic. The formation of tooth enamel is disturbed. Lesion may occur due to any infection in the teeth. Other than this, lesions may also occur due to hard food particles during chewing and swallowing food

Ameoblastic Fibroma Treatment

Ameoblastic fibroma can be treated with a surgical excision of tumor. The surgery which is performed to clear the tumor cells is known as enucleation. In enucleation, the tumor cells are removed with the help of surgical instruments and the curretage of the normal bone surrounding it is also reported. Enucleation is a safe process and a localized one. In this surgical procedure, only the tumor cells are removed without any loss to the adjacent teeth. The rate of re-occurrence is higher in case of non hygienic conditions. So proper care is needed after surgery to control it's re-occurrence.

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