Angioleiomyoma Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Angioleiomyoma is also known as vascular leiomyoma and angiomyoma. It is a pathological condition which is defined as benign tumor which occurs just below the skin. The smooth muscles of blood vessels are involved. Thick walled vascular channels confirm the presence of angioleiomyoma. These benign tumors are solitary in nature and are slow growing. Pain is associated with this tumor and it is fairly common in people. Lower limbs are mostly affected. Other than limbs, head and trunk are involved. Women with age near to 30 are commonly affected. The tumor is benign in nature and does not spread.

Women are more prone to this disease than men. The maximum age mentioned in range is 50 years. In men, usually head and trunk region are involved in angioleiomyoma. There are no risk factors associated with this pathological condition. The size of the tumor is small and that’s why it can be easily diagnosed. There are some diagnostic tests which are performed to confirm its presence. Biopsy is the most accurate diagnostic test which also defines the outer boundary of these tumor. The diagnosis of this tumor is easy because of its benign nature and small size. It is a common disease.

Angioleiomyoma Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Angioleiomyoma Symptoms

The symptoms of angioleiomyoma occur according to the site involved. It is a slow growing tumor which is solitary in nature. This benign tumor is small in size and occurs just below the surface of skin and deep inside the body tissues. This benign tumor is painful and are visible after many years of its growth. There are some factors which increases the pain. These factors include temperature, pregnancy, pressure and others. The nerve fibers involved in the tumor causes pain. It commonly occurs on lower limbs i.e. legs and other sites involved are body, trunk, hands, head and sometimes mouth and tongue.

Angioleiomyoma Causes

The exact reason behind the occurrence of angioleiomyoma is unknown but it is considered that it occurs spontaneously. It is a common tumor which may affect women of age ranging 30 to 50 years. There may be some reasons like unhygienic conditions. As it is a skin disease, so any irritant may cause angioleiomyoma. Due to any lesion on the skin, angioleiomyoma tumor may occur. Due to lesion, the nerves may get exposed to environment and then the smooth muscles of these nerves may get angioleiomyoma. These may be the only etiological factors of angioleiomyoma.

Angioleiomyoma Treatment

As there are no visible symptoms associated with angioleiomyoma, so non operative measures are recommended to adopt. Pain is the main symptom, so pain is treated via taking pain killers. Regular checkups are required. As these tumor are small in size and benign in nature so surgical removal is the best treatment option. But post-surgical care is a very important factor which helps a lot in complete removal of angioleiomyoma. The surgical excision should remove all of the tumor otherwise it may reoccur. However The re-occurrence rate is low but follow ups are necessary.

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